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Le Jardin Astral

Introduction to Natural Magic

Introduction to Natural Magic

Regular price €14,00 EUR
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Let Scott Cunningham show you the power of the Earth... It is by listening to the melodies of our planet and immersing ourselves in it that we become true magicians. Because that's what magic is: the art of working with the forces of nature to bring about the changes we aspire to for ourselves, but also for the world. This book is not a theoretical approach to natural magic. It is a guide dedicated to the practice of popular magic, the magic of the people, that which anyone can have access to. There will therefore be no question here of learning to inscribe symbols on wax pentacles, nor of invoking spirits in deserted caves. Scott Cunningham, an essential author on magic, delivers here more than a hundred spells, rites and rituals with the sea, streams and springs, the Sun and the Moon, storms and rain and even trees. By putting them into practice, we touch nature, and thanks to this work, anyone can discover its secrets...

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